Ardayda Kulliyadda Saxaafadda Jaamacadda Ummadda oo Booqasha aqoon korosi ah ku yimid Madaxtooyada Qaranka

Madaxtooyada Qaranka ayaa u fidisay ardayda dhigata kulliyadda Saxaafadda iyo Cilmiga Warbaahinta ee Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed booqasho cilmiyeed ay wax kaga ogaanayaan hannaanka shaqo ee Xafiisyada ugu sarreeya dalka. Ardadan oo soo indho-indheeyey qeybaha kala duwan ee Madaxtooyada ayaa kulammo xog wareysi ah la yeeshay qaar ka mid ah agaasinka, madax-qaybeedyada iyo shaqaalaha Madaxtooyada JFS. Agaasimaha…


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS   The Somali National University is happy to announce its annual conference on Higher Education in Post-Conflict Societies,which will be taking place once again on July 21 -23, 2020 in Mogadishu, Somalia. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came into force in January 2016 as the central United Nations (UN) platform for…

Finland can set an example in promoting learning

Education has not played an important role in Finland’s development policy, even though the educational achievements of Finnish children are among the highest in the world. Published 24.08.2019 in Helsinki Sanomat. With the start of the Finnish EU Presidency, we want to highlight the role of universities in solving global problems. Respect for human dignity…

Higher Education Conference

Higher Education Conference 2019

The Somali National University is happy to announce its annual conference on Higher Education in Post-Conflict Societies, which will be taking place once again on July 24 -26, 2019 in Mogadishu, Somalia. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came into force in January 2016 as the central United Nations (UN) platform for achieving ‘integrated and…

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Vice Chancellor & Principal welcomes Somalian Postgraduate Students

Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Vice Chancellor & Principal welcomes Somalian Postgraduate Students

Nontobeko Zondi On 10 January 2019, the Vaal University of Technology’s Vice- Chancellor and Principal, Professor Gordon Zide welcomed five (5) students on an exchange programme from the Somali National University (SNU). All the five exchange postgraduate students specialises in engineering disciplines. VUT and SNU have a strong partnership that was established in November 2014.…

Shirka jaamacadaha wadama islaamka ee Afrika

Raktarka Jaamacadda Ummadda oo ka qeyb galay shirka jaamacadaha wadama islaamka ee Afrika

Waxaa booqashado ku tagay Jaamacadda Caalimiga ee Afrika (IUA), Raktarka Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed (JUS), Dr. Maxamed Axmed Jimcaale, halkaasuu uga qeyb galay shirka oo ay marti galisay Jaamacaddaas. Madaxda shirkaas kaso qeyb gashay waxey isla meel dhigeen in jaamacadaha ay baahiyaan tacliin sare oo islaami ah taasoo isla markaas xanbaarsan aqoonta sayniska iyo Taknolojiyadda. Sidoo…